I can say, with certainty and confidence, that this has been the week from hell. At the end of last week, I came down with this wicked cough, with my lungs feeling so irritated and tight that my cough actually squeaked at the end. I went to urgent care and saw a nurse-practitioner (generally not a problem for me) who proclaimed that the lung irritation was simply due to the cough I'd had the week before. She gave me an albuterol treatement and an rx for an albuterol inhaler and sent me on my way. The cough got worse. I finally gave up and called in sick on Tuesday because I could hardly breathe without coughing. Lung irritation my ass...this was the flu. Okay, so I felt better on Wednesday and got up to get ready for work, but I passed out in the shower. I didn't collapse, thank goodness, but only slumped against the shower wall and blacked out. When I came to, it was like I had a gray curtain in front of my eyes and I literally could not see. So that was another work day missed.
Meanwhile, Emma had been sick this entire time, as well, coughing and snotting all over the place, but she was well enough to go to school on Wednesday. By Thursday we were back to our normal routine..or so I thought. Thursday night Emma woke up crying, saying that her ear hurt. When a half hour went by and the ibuprofen I'd given her hadn't worked, I bundled her into the car and took her to the ER, where they diagnosed an inner-ear infection. We finally got home, rx in hand, at 12:30 a.m.
There was a definite bright spot in the bleakness of this past week: a green, flaired-sleeve and hem sweater of a bright spot. I finished Pullover Flair and I love, love, love it! I was about three inches from finishing the last seam when Emma started crying, but you
know I finished that sweater when I came home. I got so many compliments on it when I wore it today...and was even told I look skinny! Ha! Take that, week from hell! You can judge for yourself in the pics. What do you think?

I love this pattern, by the way, and am planning on knitting it in wool for fall or winter wear. It was an easy pattern, it came together nicely, and it does look good. All in all, a happy experience!