Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I started knitting an adorable zip-up hoodie from the Yarn Girls Guide to Knits for All Seasons (I posted an Amazon link for this book a couple days ago) in Lion Homespun, as I had some in my stash and thought it would work nicely. I bought it when I first started knitting; I was in library school at the time and didn't have lots of money for yarn but, beyond that, I liked Homespun. I liked the colors, I liked how it looked...I just liked it.

Then I started knitting with it.

That stuff is horrible! It's stiff and squeaky and it hurts my hands! I got a few inches into the hoodie and realized that never, never, would I wear this item. It just wasn't worth continuing.

The problem now is that I feel like I have to use that yarn. I can't just have yarn in my stash that sits and sits. Because it's acrylic, I think it will make easy-care items, so I'll use it for hats and scarves, maybe a small blanket or two (yes, I have that much of it!) which I'll donate to a local shelter. On the one hand, it might seem as though I'm donating items that I wouldn't use, but that's not really the case. I would definitely wear the stuff if I didn't hate working with it. I just know that, when all is said and done, my dislike of handling it is going to keep me from enjoying the wearing portion of our program. So away it will go...

I'd loved to hear from people who like Homespun, though. And if you have a beautiful project or two using Homespun, please share! Redeem this stuff for me, would you?

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